Hidden Agendas: Stereotypes and Cultural Barriers to Corporate-Community Partnerships (LGI Communications)

Workforce Intermediaries for the 21st Century, edited by Bob Giloth featuring "Perception vs. Reality: Employer Attitudes and the Rebranding of Workforce Intermediaries" by Jessica K. Laufer and Sian Winship

The LGI team provides design, copywriting, and editing for its clients:

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation/Sloan Industry Centers
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation/ Workplace, Workforce and Working
     Families Program
CALSTART/Showcase Electric Vehicle Program (brochures)
CALSTART/Showcase Electric Vehicle Program
     (direct mail and corporate identity)
City of Los Angeles/Recycling and Waste Reduction Division
     (multilingual brochures)
City of Los Angeles/Recycling and Waste Reduction Division
     (multilingual outdoor advertising campaign)
Ford Foundation/Corporate Involvement Initiative (all campaign materials)
Ford Foundation/Corporate Involvement Initiative (brochure)
Ford Foundation/Corporate Involvement Initiative (Web site)
Ford Foundation/Corporate Involvement Initiative (grantee training manuals)
Ford Foundation/Corporate Involvement Initiative (ad campaign)
Ford Foundation/Asset Building & Community Development Program      (multilingual brochures)
Ford Foundation/Asset Building & Community Development Program      (brochure)
Ford Foundation/Affinity Group on Development Finance
     (multilingual brochures)
MetroBusinessNet (report)
MetroBusinessNet (brochure)
MetroBusinessNet (postcard)
Los Angeles Department of Public Works/Household Hazardous Waste
     (all campaign materials)
Los Angeles Department of Public Works/Household Hazardous Waste      (multilingual brochures)
NNSP (info kit and membership brochure)
Next Generation Tobacco Alliance (brochure)
Project California (campaign materials)
Project California (brochure)
Santa Monica Bay Restoration Project (annual report)
Santa Monica Bay Restoration Project (brochure and newsletters)
UCLA/Center for Community Health (information kit)
UCLA/Center for Healthier Children, Families and Communities
     (information kit)