on Professionals in Science and Technology (CPST)
With important federal policy legislation pending on the import
of foreign workers, CPST engaged the LGI team to develop a
campaign that would enhance media dialogue through increased
awareness and visibility of objective and credible data on
IT workforce needs and global outsourcing.
To achieve this objective, the team developed a comprehensive
positioning and media strategy for the new CPST report. Team
members researched and identified members of the national
media with a relevant body of work, proactively pitched them
on the new information and supplied customized background
materials for each reporter. LGI also recommended spokespeople,
coordinated release with briefings on Capitol Hill, and arranged
interviews with the media for CPST spokespeople.
The information received a critical mass of extensive national
coverage upon release and sustained coverage over several
months. The report appeared in the national print and broadcast
media nationally and internationally, including business and
trade media such as The Wall Street Journal Report, ComputerWorld,
Information Week, Investors Business Daily, and The Daily
Labor Report.
Other LGI success stories in science and technology include
California and the Sloan
Industry Centers Program.