A holistic approach to communications is fundamental to success

The need for specific communications products like brochures, Web sites, newsletters, and press releases is often the catalyst for thinking about communications. At LGI, we believe that these individual products are far more powerful when considered in the context of a holistic, strategic approach to communications.

That’s why LGI works shoulder-to-shoulder with funders, nonprofit organizations, public agencies, and consortia to develop comprehensive and integrated communications strategies and implementation plans that involve complimentary and mutually-reinforcing activities and achieve short- and long-term objectives.

Learn how the LGI team combines mutually reinforcing communications products to frame and position social issues and emerging fields in awareness-building campaigns to thought leaders, policy influentials, business executives, and practitioners nationally and internationally. Chances are we already have hands-on experience in your field of interest.

Examples include case studies for the Ford Foundation’s Corporate Involvement Initiative, the Ford Foundation’s Affinity Group on Development Finance, and The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation’s Sloan Industry Centers.